The word of God tells us that we have to train a child in a way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.(Prov.22,6)
In the hardest days like these, we need much wisdom from the Lord to handle every situation. Children are the best teachers, they even help us to examine ourselves what we really believe in. Someone said you will know what you really believe in when you see what you teach your children. Though the Corona virus is hardening life, we cannot stop preaching the gospel of peace to our children. We try our best to protect them from the pandemic, but also we have to continue to feed their mind with the word of the Lord as we believe it is the only way any human heart can get true peace. This pandemic will go, all things will end, only God's word remains forever. We pray that they may grow in wisdom, not that which is given by the world, but by the Holy words of God.